
about information.before you interact.

fronting indicators:
♇ rei (he/him)
♅ mina (he/they)
♃ io (they/she)
✦ cas (they/he)
♄ aries (she/her)
information about our alters is on this page.

the birds are calling for you, please don't follow.

we have OSDD (other specified dissociative disorder).
you can learn more about OSDD here.
to put it simply, the person you know as "satellite" is a collective of individual personality traits, interests, opinions etc. that co-exist in a single body. it's not an entirely accurate explanation, but it's close enough.we refer to ourselves using "we/us", but you can refer to us with plural or singular pronouns. it does not matter.OSDD forms due to early childhood trauma. we did not choose to become a system, and we did not choose the symptoms of this disorder. we ask that you be patient with us as we have memory issues and dissociate very frequently.

we are open about our disorder online as we feel it is a space where we can safely exist without putting ourselves at risk. other mental illness we have are not of your concern, as they likely do not impact our ability to form relations with others.

our list of alters can be found here, with basic information about each of them.

before you interact...

we don't personally associate with the plural community.the topic of introjects, source memories etc. makes us uncomfortable. try to avoid discussing them around us.due to our our memory issues associated with our OSDD, we absolutely cannot use neopronouns. we are not transphobic, we have no choice as per our disability.

certain fanbases and content creators make us uncomfortable, please do not discuss the following with us:
- puppychan/wolfertinger666 (dni if you support)
- deceased_bunny
- the entirety of dsmp (except jschlatt)

our system's alter count does not matter to you, but the ones below have chosen to share information regarding on each icon to visit their page.

art by @randomperson660

our name is not of your concern, but you can call us satellite.
you may refer to us with they/them or he/him pronouns.
you can also call us:
- satie (a common nickname, pronounced "sat-ee")
- saturn (masculine..?)
- satella (feminine..?)
alter-specific names are preferred when possible.
we have a mental disorder called OSDD, more about it is in this section.
our alters are listed here.
we are ashkenazi jewish, some alters practice judaism more than others.

fronting indicator:
pronouns: he/him
hi!!! im rei. youll mostly see me around irl, or most social situations.i really like travelling, and i adore wildlife. i LOVE bugs (isopods and centipedes are my favourites).as far as my interests go, i kinda just like everything the rest of the system likes. im not particularly unique in that regard.i present myself as a highland cow-dragon thing. they are both creatures that i love.if you see me around, dont be afraid to say hi! im not very good at socialising, and am somewhat quiet and awkward.i have trouble speaking irl and in vcs, despite fronting a lot for those.interests:
- mostly the same as everyone else
- pokemon
- red dead redemption
- half life
- any media with dragons in it (httyd, skyrim, etc.)

art by @cameracore

fronting indicator:
pronouns: he/him, they/them
yes my fursona is a combination of nanachi and midna. next question.hey. i'm mina. i say "nnaa" a lot. it's a stim :pi have a hard time trusting people so i might act blunt and abrasive. i'm trying to get better about it.i exhibit a lot of symptoms relating to other mental disorders we have, as a result i struggle with tone, boundaries, and the like.
i can't help my behaviour sometimes due to a lot of it being a trauma response.
my comfort characters are nanachi (made in abyss) and midna (twilight princess). i am not a fictive. do not refer to me as one. i'm just a kinnie.interests:
- made in abyss (ask me about my nanachi collection)
- evangelion, erased. i am unfortunately a weeb
- the legend of zelda (midna <3)
- io
- music, some bands i love are swans, tool, pretty much anything rock-adjacent. send me music you like

art by @faeling

fronting indicator:
pronouns: they/them, she/her
hello. i'm io. it is short for either "ionna" or "ionasi".i have a love for astronomy, literature, and education. i spend a lot of my free time reading or looking at the stars with my telescope (skywatcher 150P).
please do share any space facts with me, i'd love to hear them.
i love outer wilds. please talk to me about fursona is a nomai, currently i am using our oc "lunaria" as a placeholder until i design my own.interests:
- astronomy
- outer wilds
- zeroranger/void stranger
- rain world
- mina
currently reading:dune messiah (Frank Herbert)
Cosmos (Carl Sagan)

art by @randomperson660

fronting indicators: cas ✦ / grey ✧
pronouns: they/them, he/him
we are cas and grey, two alters that are extremely similar to each other, possibly even two halves of a whole.
you will most likely encounter cas, as grey does not front often.
we like video games, game development, programming, and music.we may look unapproachable and act a bit harsh/blunt at times but we will try our best to be kind ;w;our fursona is a Creature... of some sortinterests:
- void stranger
- the elder scrolls (12k+ hours in skyrim and counting)
- tbh i like eveyr video game this system likes im the Liker
- linux................ :nerd:
- computer hardware
- astronomy

art by @faeling

fronting indicator:
pronouns: she/her
hi,, im aries.
i dont front for more than a few hours at most due to it being very exhausting for me. please be patient.
my interests include a lot of cartoons, movies, and retro video games. i also share a love for astronomy, and enjoy using io's telescope when im fronting. if you want to get to know me more, just ask.interests:
- astronomy
- dark fantasy aesthetic
-mlp (g1, g3, a little bit of g4)
- anything horses
- plushies

art by @randomperson660

we try to limit our public presence to a strictly creative medium. we are known as ihirrah in these likely found this site from the official rain world server, as we are an administrator there.

you are welcome to send a friend request and/or DM us anytime. be aware our responses may be slow due to circumstances out of our control.

information to be added later.